Create miracles together with music and video!
Your smile, kindness, and willpower + music and video =
progress, results, future – Love!
Video meditation is Soul therapy – a unique tool that helps to harmonize the Soul and improve the quality of life. By watching and interacting with video materials, a person can positively influence their emotions, improve their well-being, resolve complex life situations, and achieve their goals.
How to become aware of your feelings, understand, recognize, and perceive your states?
Life itself provides all the necessary signals. However, if a person accepts everything that happens as a given norm, they may easily begin to live according to societal programs, norms, and dependencies.
The more a person distances themselves from their true "self" and accepts the dogmas learned in upbringing as the only truth, the more they live in accordance with external influences. However, the more a person explores themselves and the essence of life, the better they can perceive the life cues and warnings about their actions – even before these situations manifest as external problems. This approach is conscious living, based on responsibility for one's words, thoughts, feelings, and subconscious processes.
Feelings and thoughts materialize – this is the law of the Universe.
Every event in a person's life is closely connected to what is happening in their Soul – in their feelings, thoughts, and subconscious. If a person experiences unfavorable situations or is unable to achieve their goals, it often points to negative emotions in the Soul, such as aggression, resistance, dissatisfaction, fear, anger, envy, resentment, etc. These negative emotions, which may have accumulated in this life, previous lives, or been passed down through generations, create energy blocks that disrupt the flow of energy. These blocks can cause problems in both the physical body and life circumstances.
Rest, relax, create, transform, and live better!
The law of cause and effect of the Universe operates in a person’s life – what happens in the Soul is also reflected in the outer reality. The Soul is the source of a person’s feelings and inner world. The more harmonious the feelings in the Soul, the more successful and fulfilling a person’s life is. By exploring one’s feelings, a person can change and improve them, thus positively affecting any aspect of life.
Feelings can be developed and refined by regularly working on oneself. However, already in the first meditation session, it is possible to feel the deeper parts of the Soul and come closer to one’s true essence. The result depends on the balance of a person’s inner world and their openness to this process.
What is special about Lioss Aktavio videos?
Lioss Aktavio videos are created with the subtle vibrations of the Universe – the energy of love – based on deep knowledge of the interrelationship between human life, the Soul, and energy. These videos combine nature landscapes, the harmony of colors and forms, as well as specially selected music that helps balance the energies of the Earth and the Universe.
Under the influence of these energies, a person’s thoughts, feelings, actions, and subconscious are affected, creating an opportunity for positive changes. By watching these videos, a person can feel deep harmony and restore their energetic balance, which promotes growth and well-being.
Video meditation is easy, relaxing, and can create great positive changes!
What to do?
Set aside time for yourself. Choose a peaceful moment and dedicate 10-15 minutes.
Listen to yourself. To calm your mind and focus on the present moment, you can slowly count from 30 to 1.
Choose a goal. Think about what is most important right now – what do you want to improve or achieve?
Choose a suitable video. Each video is unique – it is created to match a specific area of life, a goal, or a current feeling.
Meditation process:
The video meditation begins with videos created by Aktavio Lioss, in which the energy of love flows through the Soul and the entire human energy system. This energy is embedded in the author’s works, created in unity with the Universe and the divine world, in love. By watching and listening to these subtle vibrations, positive changes and transformations take place in the Soul and energy of the person.
What do these videos help to improve?
Work and financial situation
Self-love and acceptance of life
Relaxation, balance, and sleep quality
Faith and intuition
Practical accessibility: The videos are available in electronic format, so you can watch them in a convenient and pleasant environment.
Recommendations for deeper self-improvement using the videos:
Play the video in the background.
Tune yourself to a positive and successful day! Think good thoughts about your goals and intentions. The energy of the video cleanses and positively affects both the person and the energy of the space. It is highly recommended to play the video in spaces where children are playing – it positively influences their physical and spiritual development.
Think about your goals and simply watch the video.
Sit comfortably, focus on your goals, and allow the video to work its magic. Rest, relax, and recharge your energy. While watching the video, calm your mind, organize your thoughts, and reconnect with yourself. Feel the balance and harmony within. If you watch the video in the evening, it will help you prepare for a peaceful sleep and a positive start to the next day.
Watch the video mindfully, creating positive feelings.
While watching the video, linger in good memories, thoughts, and dreams. Feel gratitude, forgiveness, respect, and love for yourself and others. Set desired goals for yourself and allow yourself to believe that your life can positively change!
To improve life circumstances and achieve your goals, negative feelings in the Soul must be replaced with positive ones: understanding, awareness, acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, humility, patience, kindness, respect, and faith. This is the path to love and a successful life!
By collaborating with the video, you can effectively harmonize your Soul, resolve current life situations, and successfully move toward your goals.
Choose the most suitable way to use the video according to your situation:
Goal + Video = Motivation, strength, and energy for goal achievement
If you have a clear goal, such as calling a client, writing an article, or organizing your home, but lack energy or motivation, focus on your goal. Watch the video and imagine that the goal has already been achieved. Feel gratitude, balance, and love – this will give you the strength and inspiration to take action.
Video + Balance = Clarity of goals
If you are unsure of your goals or feel confused, watch the video to calm your mind and free yourself from chaotic thoughts. After watching the video, pay attention to your feelings and thoughts – new ideas, desires, and clarity about where to go will arise.
Video + Forgiveness, gratitude, and prayer = Improving relationships
If you want to improve your relationship with your partner or someone else, but are burdened by resentment, watch the video and focus on the situation causing pain. Ask for forgiveness for yourself and the other person. For example:
“Dear Soul, please forgive me for what I have done.”
“God, forgive me for hurting my partner.”
The video vibrations, together with your will and prayers, will help release resentment and create new, positive energy in the relationship.
If you want to improve your work or financial situation, watch the video and linger in gratitude for successful transactions and opportunities. For example:
“Thank you for this opportunity!”
“Thank you, God, that everything in my life is unfolding for the better.”
The deeper your gratitude, the more you will attract success and positive events.
Be aware of your goal + Video = Movement toward the goal
Write down your goal and focus on achieving it. Watch the video while keeping this goal in mind. During or after meditation, ideas and solutions will arise that will help you move forward.
Video + Balance = Goal achievement
If your goal is to develop a new project, watch the video to bring yourself into balance. After the video, allow this balance to stay – do not let your mind rush. The goal will be filled with the Universe’s energy, and solutions will naturally arise.
Video + Positive thoughts = The path to success
Watch the video to calm your mind and restore balance. Then repeat a positive mantra to guide you toward achieving your goal. For example:
“I am a calm, strong, and confident person. Everything works out for me.”
Additional recommendations:
Be thankful for the opportunity to grow and develop after each video meditation.
After meditation, spend at least 30 minutes in peace – avoid your phone, the internet, or conflicts.
Regularly use different videos – each one brings new harmonious energy, promoting multi-dimensional development.
Watch the videos regularly – 1–3 times a week – for one to two months, or until you achieve the desired changes.
By focusing on your goals, creating positive thoughts, and cultivating the necessary feelings, your Soul will harmonize, and energy flows will be restored, allowing positive events to enter your life.
Every person is unique – with their own past, experience, character, perseverance, work, and abilities. Similarly, goals can vary: short-term or long-term, easier or more challenging. Therefore, the time needed to achieve specific goals will be individual.
While collaborating with the videos, accept any feelings that arise and transform them into positivity. This is the way to free your Soul from past mistakes, harmonize it, and develop – moving toward kindness, harmony, and a successful life.
May you succeed in finding yourself – to see, hear, and feel! Change, create positive transformations, and move toward love! The videos will be your helper in strengthening belief, promoting cooperation, and encouraging development.
If strong emotions or discomfort arise while watching the videos, or if there are significant changes in life circumstances, reduce the frequency and duration of watching. Subconsciously, the transformation and cleansing of negative thoughts and feelings are occurring. When emotions and life processes stabilize, continue watching the videos.
The vibrations of love that permeate Lioss Aktavio works are especially powerful – they balance, cleanse, and promote transformation.
Therefore, people’s reactions when watching these videos can vary greatly:
Tears of joy, laughter, a sense of release, peace, and harmony;
Pain, temperature fluctuations, aggression, irritation, or even a feeling of flight.
Those who listen to these musical and video works often share their feelings and experiences, such as:
Shivers, flashes of color or light, tingling, pain, anxiety, or an elevated feeling of flight.
All these feelings reflect the processes of change occurring within the Soul, as the subtle vibrations of love touch its deepest layers.
Within each person, there are areas where emotional impurities, energetic blocks, and negative feelings have accumulated over the years. When these vibrations come into contact with these “tensions,” a person may experience pain, aggression, or irritation. However, these sensations are gentle and mild compared to how they would manifest in everyday life. This happens because the Soul’s structures are gradually being altered and cleansed.
After meditation, it is important to continue working with the activated feelings and the emotions released from the “tensions.” Meditation often brings to light specific events or situations that require a review of attitudes and a change in habitual reactions.
If after meditation a person feels harmonious, it means that the vibrations of love have balanced their Soul’s state and increased love within them.
Each meditation is unique, as energy is dynamic. Each time, the vibrations harmonize a different aspect of life or an energetic “tension.”
The more a person opens their Soul to the vibrations of love, the closer they come to balance, success, and order. This is the essence of life – to cultivate love within the Soul!
Create miracles with music and video!

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Lioss Aktavio - author of lessons, music, videos. Copyright protected. Materials and works may not be distributed further.