Life events reflect how much our karma vessel is filled with love or aggression.
Lawio. Lioss Aktavio

By analyzing life events, one can understand how much aggression a person has accumulated from previous lives and this life. Additionally, by conducting an ancestral analysis, one can understand how much aggression has been accumulated throughout the family’s energy.
Balance between love and aggression is the key to success.
A person cannot change only 3% of their karmic structures, but everything else in their life journey can be transformed through self-improvement and enhancement!

What is karma, and how does it form?
The word "karma" is often used in various contexts and with different meanings. Translated from Sanskrit, "karma" means "action." People understand that their actions, or "karma," determine the course of their lives.
When talking about karma, the terms "inherited karma" and "earned karma" are often mentioned.
"Inherited karma" is what a person is born with and arrives with in this life.
"Earned karma" is what a person accumulates throughout their lifetime.
Both of these karmas – both "inherited" and "earned" – influence a person’s life.
However, there is an important nuance that people often don’t realize when discussing karma: any action arises from a person’s feelings, thoughts, and attitude. First, a feeling arises in the person, then a thought is born, and only after that does it manifest in action, which is reflected in the material and physical world.
Thus, the concept of karma includes not only a person’s actions but also the feelings, thoughts, and attitudes underlying those actions.
Karma Vessel – A Combination of Negative and Positive Conditions
In the world of energy and harmony, balance is crucial – the ideal proportion is 50% love and 50% aggression. If this balance is disturbed and aggression starts to dominate, misfortunes, suffering, and pain inevitably begin to arise in life.
Each person carries within themselves a combination of karmic conditions, which can be visualized as a vessel that accumulates negative emotions and experiences. A person enters this life with a certain amount of karma – both positive and negative experiences accumulated from past lives. In this life, the person continues to add to this karmic vessel – either in a positive or negative direction.
In the universe, everything is measured and weighed. The processes of a person’s life are shaped based on their "earned" karma. The filling of the karma vessel can be assessed through the events in a person’s life, including their state of health.
Aggression tightens and deforms the Soul, pollutes energy flows, slows them down, or even completely shuts them off.
Love, on the other hand, fills the Soul, warms it, enhances it, and provides the necessary flow and circulation for life.
The state of the Soul and its "content" – accumulated information and energy – determines the events in each person’s life. Therefore, the quality of the karma vessel is extremely important!
What does the karma vessel mean?
In life, we are creators. We constantly create information and energy that arise from experiencing various feelings. Energetic-informational formations are shaped by these feelings and accumulate in our Soul. Depending on these accumulations, our health, events, goal fulfillment, and relationships are shaped.

What happens with accumulated aggression?
A diagnosis can be made by the person themselves by examining their life and the events that have occurred. Alternatively, one can seek our help.
35-40% aggression – The person’s life is successful, relationships are harmonious, financial transactions go well, family relationships are in sync, the person is internally satisfied with life, and health is good. Transactions and goal achievement are successful.
50-60% aggression – Diseases start to appear, complications arise in life, problems in family relationships, work failures, and negative events occur. Previous goals are filled with difficulties, leading to a sense of depression. In one area of life, desired goals or ambitions may be lost.
75-80% aggression – Severe illnesses emerge, complicated relationships with others, divorce in the family, losses of close ones and friends, financial losses, accidents, serious failures in all areas of life. Physical deformities and malformations may arise. Various humiliations, violations, restrictions, accidents, and failures happen. Goals are not achieved, chaos forms, hopelessness, disbelief, doubts, and uncertainty arise.
92-95% aggression – Aggression takes everything away from a person’s life and, ultimately, can even take their life.
Filling the Karma Vessel
Suffering, stress, and pain arise only from unfulfilled desires!

How is the karma vessel filled?
The fundamental law of the universe is to adhere to the principle of not creating, feeling, or emitting negative energy. Any negative expression and feeling fills the karma vessel.
One of the greatest negative expressions in a person’s life is the inability to accept the surrounding world and oneself. When a person creates dissatisfaction – negative emotions towards themselves, others, and the world – it begins to accumulate negative energy. Dissatisfaction arises when a person has an idealized perception of how the world, people, and themselves should be. If this worldview does not align with reality, negative feelings and expressions arise.
If a person cannot imagine their life without something and gives too much importance to a particular aspect of life, it indicates idealization. People most often idealize work, family, money, power, social status, relationships, appearance, abilities, and knowledge. Thus, they try to fill themselves with what they lack – love!
The karma vessel is filled in the following processes:
Forming opinions and stances.
Fear, resentment, pride.
Idealization of work, domestic life, family, abilities, knowledge, skills.
The desire to prove oneself, self-assertion, humiliating others.
Suffering, anger, hatred, condemnation, and recklessness towards others.
The desire to control everything in life.
Aggression arising from dissatisfaction with others and oneself.
There are many examples of people who seem outwardly kind and pleasant, who seemingly do good in life, yet experience various misfortunes and hardships. The person themselves, as well as those around them, cannot understand how it is possible – such a nice and good person, but life doesn’t go well? Why is that? This happens because the person internally – in their Soul – does not live in harmony with themselves and the Universe, they accumulate negative feelings and emotional experiences.
Pain arises only from unfulfilled desires!
Emptying the Karma Vessel
Purification of the karma vessel is necessary to raise one's energetic vibrations from aggression to love. Every person is responsible for their actions, thoughts, feelings, and subconscious processes. By changing on the deepest levels as an individual, your life quality will begin to change as well!

How to Empty the Karma Vessel
Just as the karma vessel is filled, it can also be emptied. Emptying the karma vessel is a life task that can be accomplished through self-improvement, raising one's personal vibrations to more refined, purer, and higher levels.
Every person has the opportunity to change their feelings, thoughts, attitudes, actions, and life perspectives. Thus, it is possible to free oneself from the negative karmic structures that have accumulated and create positive, desired structures. (Freeing the Soul from tensions, pain, and fear.)
True forgiveness, gratitude, faith, harmony, and love are subtle and high energies that dissolve accumulated negative energies.
A person can empty the karma vessel through the following processes:
Experiencing true fulfillment and satisfaction in life.
Reducing mental chaos, organizing one’s thoughts.
Releasing and letting go of idealizations.
Consciously controlling one’s feelings, changing actions, reducing negative expressions, and seeking Soul fulfillment.
Forgiving others and oneself, changing one’s mindset, and forming new character traits.
Accepting and being grateful for everything as an absolute value.
Reducing dissatisfaction and demands about what is yet to come.
Thus, a person frees themselves from negative energies, emotional experiences, and stress, and love, light, harmony, and gratitude enter their being!
This does not happen quickly and instantly. Patience, perseverance, and faith are required. Gradually, by improving oneself, unwanted structures begin to cleanse, and desired processes start to unfold.
How to Quickly and Efficiently Improve and Empty Your Karma Vessel?
Would you like to improve your life energy, joy of life, health, relationships with children and parents, work affairs, financial flows, and become a better person both for yourself and those around you? Would you like to achieve inner harmony and balance?
Format: video MP4. Duration: 66 minutes

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