Lawio. Lioss Aktavio

By analyzing life events, you can understand how much aggression a person has accumulated in past lives and in this life. By analyzing the family, you can understand how much aggression has accumulated in the family.

Love and aggression must be in balance, this is success.

A person cannot change only 3% of their karmic structures, everyone can change everything else on their life path - through self-improvement, improvement!


The word “karma” is used by people often, in different contexts with different meanings. Translated from Sanskrit, this word means “action”. People understand that their actions, i.e. “karma”, determine their lives. In connection with the term “karma”, there is talk of “inherent karma” and “earned karma”. “Inherent karma” is what a person comes into this life with. “Earned karma” is what a person accumulates in this life. A person’s life is influenced by both “inherent karma” and “earned karma”. There is one nuance that people have not understood and do not think about in connection with the concept of “karma” - any action is previously created by a person’s feelings, thoughts and attitudes. First, a feeling arises in a person, then a thought, and only then follows the action that manifests itself in the material and physical world. Therefore, the concept of karma includes not only human actions, but also feelings, thoughts and attitudes.

KARMA POT – sets of negative and positive circumstances

In energies and harmony, a balance of 50%-50% love and aggression is important. If this balance is changed, lost and aggression accumulates more, then troubles, suffering, and pain begin in life.

A set of karmic conditions has accumulated in every person. Visually, it can be imagined as a vessel where negative emotions and experiences accumulate.

A person comes into this life with a certain innate amount of karma - both positive and negative experiences that a person has accumulated in previous lives, in the past. And during this life, a person either adds to the set of karmic conditions in a negative or positive direction.

Everything in the universe is weighed and measured. Depending on what a person has earned, his life processes are formed. The filling of the vessel of karma can be judged by the events in a person’s life, by his health.

Aggression tightens the Soul, deforms it, pollutes it, slows down or closes the energy flows.

Love fills the Soul, warms it, perfects it, gives life, flows, circulates it!

The state and accumulations of the Soul (content - information and energy) are what shape the events in everyone's life. Quality is important!


In life, we are created as creators. We are constantly creating information and energy, experiencing feelings. Energy-informative formations are formed, which accumulate in our Soul. Depending on these accumulations, our health, events, goal fulfillment, relationships are formed.


The diagnosis can be made by the person himself by studying his life and the events in it. You can also contact us.

-35-40% aggression - a person's life is going well, interpersonal relationships are harmonious, money transactions are developing pleasantly, there are harmonious family relationships, internally satisfied with life, good health. Transactions are going well and goals are being achieved.

-50-60% aggression - illnesses occur, complications appear in life, problems in family relationships, failure at work, negative events in life, plans are fulfilled with difficulty, there is depression. In any area of ​​life, what you want in life can be taken away.

-75-80% of aggression - serious illnesses appear, difficult relationships with people, family separation, loss of loved ones, friends, loss of money, accidents, serious failures in all areas of life. Physical body deformations, deformities. Humiliation, abuse, restrictions, accidents, failure, goals not achieved, chaos, hopelessness, disbelief, doubt, ignorance.

-92-95% agresijas- noņems nost visu dzīvē. Un ņems nost dzīvību.


Experiences, stress, pain only arise from unfulfilled desires!


The laws of the universe are based on not creating, not feeling and not emitting negative energy from oneself. Any kind of negative feelings and manifestations fill the vessel of karma.

One of the biggest negative manifestations in human life is the inability to accept the world around us and ourselves. A person creates dissatisfaction - negative emotions towards themselves, other people and the world. Dissatisfaction arises from the fact that a person has an idea in their head about what the world around them should be, the people around them, how they should be. If the created worldview does not coincide with reality, dissatisfaction arises, various negative feelings and manifestations.

If a person cannot imagine their life without something, attaches too much importance to something in this life, this is idealization. People idealize mainly work, family, money, power, position in society, relationships, appearance, abilities, knowledge. In this way, people try to fill themselves with what they lack - Love!

The vessel of karma is filled through the following processes:

Formation of opinions.

Fear, resentment, pride.

Idealizations about work, everyday life, family, one's abilities, knowledge, skills.

The desire to prove oneself - self-affirmation, humiliation of others.

Superiority over others, experiences, anger, hatred, condemnation.

The desire to arrange everything in life oneself.

Aggression through dissatisfaction with others and oneself.

Many examples have been heard when all sorts of misfortunes and troubles happen to outwardly pleasant and nice people, who supposedly do good in life. And the person himself and the people around him cannot understand how it can be, such a nice and good person, but in life it does not work out that way? Why is that? This is because a person in the inner world - the Soul does not live in harmony with himself and the Universe, accumulates negative feelings, emotional experiences.

Pain arises only from the unfulfillment of desires!


Cleansing the karmic vessel is necessary to raise the vibration of your energy from aggression to love. Everyone is responsible for their own actions, thoughts, feelings and the vastness of their subconscious. Change deeply as a personality and the quality of your life will begin to change!


Just as the karmic vessel is filled, it can also be emptied. Emptying the karmic vessel is a human life task, which can be done through self-improvement. Raising your personality vibration to a finer, purer, higher one.

Everyone has the opportunity to change their feelings, thoughts, attitudes, actions, and outlook on life. In this way, free yourself from negative accumulated karmic structures and instead create positive, desirable structures. (Free the Soul from tension, pain, fear)

True forgiveness, gratitude, faith, harmony, and love are subtle and high energies that dissolve negative accumulated energies.

A person can empty the karmic vessel through the following processes:

Feeling true fulfillment, satisfaction in life.

Reducing the chaos of thoughts, the mixer, organizing your thoughts.

Releasing, letting go of idealizations.

Consciously controlling your feelings, changing your actions, reducing your manifestations, seeking the fulfillment of your Soul.

Forgiving others and yourself, changing your formed beliefs, character traits.

Accepting and being grateful for everything that is, as its absolute value.

Reducing dissatisfaction, demands for what is not yet.

In this way, a person frees himself from negative energies, experiences, stress - Love, light and harmony, gratitude enter a person!

This does not happen quickly and immediately. It takes patience, perseverance, faith. Gradually, as you improve yourself, unwanted structures begin to dissolve and desired processes begin to occur.

Kā ātri un īsā laikā uzlabot, tukšot savu karmas trauku?

Vēlies uzlabot dzīvības enerģiju, dzīvesprieku, veselību, attiecības ar bērniem un vecākiem, darba lietas, naudas plūsmas un kļūt labāks cilvēks priekš sevis un apkārtējiem? Vēlies iegūt iekšējo harmoniju un līdzsvaru?


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  • Ieskats skolotāja Aktavio Lioss dzīves mācībās par mīlestību pašam pret sevi.

  • Praktisks vingrinājums prāta atbrīvošanai no ikdienas domām.

  • Meditācija, kuras laikā tiek praktizēta noteikta tehnika, lai veicinātu spēju mīlēt sevi.


Meditācijā tiek atskaņota īpaša Aktavio Lioss meditācijas mūzika, kas radīta augsta līmeņa enerģijās un palīdz attīrīt un mainīt pagātnē sakrātās negatīvās domas un emocijas un veidot Dvēselē mīlestību.

1.NODARBĪBA. Sevis pieņemšana

Sevis pieņemšana sākas ar piedošanu. Domu haosa, maisītāja mazināšana, kārtošana, disciplinēšana. Saveidoto uzskatu, rakstura mainīšana.

2.NODARBĪBA. Piedod sev

Spēja piedot sev un citiem. Pieņemt citus cilvēkus bez vērtēšanas.

3.NODARBĪBA. Mīlestības lūgšana

Idealizāciju atrašana un atbrīvošana. Apzināta savu izjūtu kontrole. Rīcību maiņa. Sapratnes veidošana, apziņas attīrīšana, Dvēseles piepildījumu veidošana.

4.NODARBĪBA. Pateicība

Pateicība, pacietība, labestība, ticība- mīlestības pamatizjūtas, kas jātrenē visur un vienmēr. Tā ir katra cilvēka attīstība.


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