Aura and chakra photography with description – 50 EUR (30 minutes).

During the process, you will receive (in electronic format):

  • A photo of your aura and chakras with graphs showing energy distribution in the body, chakra energy levels, etc.

  • A detailed 20-page description of aura and chakra activity in Latvian, Russian, English, or another chosen language.

  • An expert's explanation and recommendations.



The aura is a part of the human energy field that extends beyond the physical body. Using modern technology, hand biosensors, and software, it is possible to see your aura on a computer screen.

To understand the meaning of the aura colors, it is important to pay attention to their nuances. The purer, brighter, more expressive, and more vibrant the aura colors are, the more favorable qualities they reflect. On the other hand, cloudy, dark, and murky colors indicate negative vibrations in the person's energy field.

By exploring the activity of the aura and chakras, one can deepen their understanding of themselves and discover ways to more fully utilize their inner resources. Aura analysis is an important step on the path to self-organization and harmonization.

During the aura and chakra observation, the client receives a detailed explanation of the functioning of their energy field, as well as an individual aura and chakra report, up to 20 pages long.


Aura and chakra photography before and after Lioss Aktavio video – 60 EUR (50 minutes).

You can check how harmony affects your energy. This is an energy-cleansing, chakra-harmonizing, and healing process where you can see changes in the aura and chakras before and after watching the video.

During the process, you will receive (in electronic format):

  • A colored photo of your aura and chakras with graphs showing energy distribution in the body, chakra energy levels, etc., before listening to the music.

  • A detailed 20-page description of aura and chakra activity in Latvian, Russian, English, or another chosen language.

  • A photo of your aura and chakras after listening to the music.

  • An expert's explanation and recommendations.


Individual music meditation with aura photo before and after – 95 EUR (90 minutes).

During the process, you will receive:

  • A colored photo of your aura and chakras with graphs showing energy distribution in the body, chakra energy levels, etc., before meditation (in electronic format).

  • A detailed 20-page description of aura and chakra activity in Latvian, Russian, English, or another chosen language (in electronic format).

  • Deeply cleansed energy, relaxation, and peace during and after meditation.

  • A photo of your aura and chakras after meditation.

  • An expert's explanation and recommendations.



The aura is the energy field or radiation that every living being creates around itself. This field extends beyond the boundaries of the physical body. The energy of the aura comes from a dynamic energy core located in the solar plexus area, and it mentally, physically, and spiritually affects our entire being.

The existence of the aura and understanding of it is not a recent discovery. Many ancient thinkers already spoke about this energy field. The Swiss doctor and scientist Paracelsus explained: "The life force is not within a person, but radiates around them as a light field. A person’s thoughts can create both healthy and sick results. When the soul of a person suffers, the body suffers as well."

The aura is negatively affected by emotions such as fear, anger, resentment, anxiety, or low self-esteem. These thoughts disrupt the body’s harmonious vibrations and manifest in the aura as dark spots. On the other hand, by thinking bright thoughts and feeling love, joy, forgiveness, gratitude, and appreciation, we positively influence our aura. These emotions fill the aura with positive energy and restore the body’s healthy and harmonious state.

The word "chakra" in Sanskrit means "wheel". Chakras are the main energy centers in our bodies through which we receive and transmit energy.

The seven energetic centers, or chakras, are positioned one above the other along the vertical axis of the human spine. Each chakra controls and takes care of the health of a specific part of the body. At these points, energy rotates in a clockwise direction at a certain frequency.

When analyzing chakra activity, it is important to observe the shape, size, and color intensity of each chakra, as it reflects our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual state in the aura. Round-shaped chakras indicate a balanced energy center or system, while irregular and unclear chakras indicate imbalance in the energy center.

When explaining the meaning of aura colors, it is important to understand the nuances of each color. The purer, more vibrant, expressive, and brighter the aura colors are, the more they indicate favorable qualities. Conversely, if the colors in the aura are murky, dark, or dirty, it suggests negative vibrations in a person’s energetic field.

Here is a brief explanation of the meaning of aura colors:

  • DARK RED – Physical, hard-working, energetic, realistic, vital, grounded, strong, durable

  • RED – Excited, physical, energetic, competitive, winner, willpower, sexual, enterprising

  • ORANGE – Productive, expression of physical and creative abilities, adventurer, business-like, pleasure-seeking

  • ORANGE-YELLOW – Analytical, intellectual, detail-oriented, logical, structured, scientific

  • YELLOW – Playful, cheerful, joyful, creative, intellectual, entertaining, curious, active

  • GREEN – Social, natural, content, harmonious, teacher, communicative, intuitive

  • DARK GREEN – Insightful, goal-oriented, social, materialistic, communicative, organizer

  • LIGHT BLUE – Careful, sensitive, loving, helpful, loyal, peaceful, desire to be useful, caring

  • INDIGO – Clarity, calm, deep inner feelings, loving, loyal, introverted, inner values, artistic

  • VIOLET – Intuitive, artistic, sensual, theorist, futurist, fantasist, charismatic, innovative

  • LAVENDER – Rich imagination, mystical, dreamer, gentle, fragile, sensitive, often eccentric, spiritual

  • WHITE – Transcendental, transformation, rich imagination, peaceful, higher dimensions, spiritual




  • Name: Muladhara or Root Chakra

  • Color: Red

  • Location: Lower spine

  • Harmonious qualities: Vitality, activity, sexuality, stability, physical strength

  • Relates to: Life energy, physical activity, emotional strength, willpower, sexuality

  • Zones and organs: Joints, muscles, heart, blood, nervous system, legs, feet

  • Meditation: I am

  • Note: Do


  • Name: Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra

  • Color: Orange

  • Location: Below the navel, lower abdomen

  • Harmonious qualities: Satisfaction, positive emotions and feelings, sensitivity

  • Relates to: Life energy productivity, emotional expression

  • Zones and organs: Intestines, spleen, digestive tract

  • Meditation: I feel

  • Note: Re


  • Name: Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Color: Yellow

  • Location: Above the navel, solar plexus region

  • Harmonious qualities: Self-esteem, personal power, high intellect, independence, happiness

  • Relates to: Personal strength, creative and intellectual thoughts

  • Zones and organs: Stomach, solar plexus, liver

  • Meditation: I do

  • Note: Mi


  • Name: Anahata or Heart Chakra

  • Color: Green

  • Location: Center of the chest

  • Harmonious qualities: Love, generosity, selflessness, healing, trust, care

  • Relates to: Unconditional love, forgiveness, warmth

  • Zones and organs: Heart, lungs, chest, circulatory system, arms, palms

  • Meditation: I love

  • Note: Fa


  • Name: Vishuddha or Throat Chakra

  • Color: Light Blue

  • Location: Throat

  • Harmonious qualities: Good communication and expression, creative potential, inspiration

  • Relates to: Communication, speech, verbal and emotional expression in society

  • Zones and organs: Lungs, throat, bronchi, voice

  • Meditation: I speak

  • Note: Sol


  • Name: Ajna or Third Eye Chakra

  • Color: Dark Blue

  • Location: Between the eyes

  • Harmonious qualities: Intuition, vision, creative potential, high ethics, clarity of thoughts and emotions

  • Relates to: Intuition, vision, artistic expression, creative thinking

  • Zones and organs: Eyes, nervous system, brain, forehead

  • Meditation: I see

  • Note: La


  • Name: Sahasrara or Crown Chakra

  • Color: Violet

  • Location: Top of the head

  • Harmonious qualities: Spiritual life, integrated life, bright energy, higher consciousness

  • Relates to: Intuition, spiritual life, enlightenment

  • Zones and organs: Brain, top of the head

  • Meditation: I understand

  • Note: Si


Aura photographs are taken using the Inneractive company’s Aura Video Station 5.1 system.

This technology is based on the latest scientific discoveries in visualizing the human biofield and analyzing biofeedback, which allows for the evaluation of specific emotionally-energetic human states.

The Aura Video Station is a biofeedback multimedia system that visualizes the human aura based on scientific fields such as biofeedback, color therapy, and the human energy field. This system processes, analyzes, and displays a representation of your emotional and energetic state.

Biofeedback is the process of measuring and visualizing physiologically invisible parameters.

The goal of the technology is to allow people to see their biofield (aura) and help analyze their physiological and psycho-emotional parameters so that, if necessary, harmonizing changes can be made.

In developing the Aura Video Station technology, specialists at Inneractive used the latest methods and scientific research:

  • The research of Dr. Valerie Hunt and Zelma Moss conducted in the 1970s at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) laboratory.

  • Dr. Schwartz’s scientific studies on biofeedback.

  • Research on biofeedback (especially EDA – electro-dermal activity, temperature, EEG – electroencephalogram, and others) conducted in European and American institutes.

  • The technology development involved many researchers and scientists from various scientific fields. The primary contributions were made by:

    • Dr. Richard Johnson, PhD, biofeedback expert, and founder of Biogram therapy.

    • Jerry Burton, biofeedback practitioner, robotics, and computer technology specialist.

    • Joe R. Fisslindger, author of the books “Aura Management Skills” and “Human Aura Photography”.

During the system's data accuracy verification, manual therapists, healing practitioners, and individuals with extrasensory abilities were involved.